1. Дом ужасов 14 (Treehouse of Horror XIV)
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2. Моя мама — преступник (My Mother the Carjacker)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
3. Президент, который носит бусы (The President Wore Pearls)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
4. Монологи королевы (The Regina Monologues)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
5. Жирный и пушистый (The Fat and the Furriest)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
6. Сегодня я клоун (Today I am A Clown)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
7. Это пятнадцатый сезон (’Tis The Fifteenth Season)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
8. Мардж против одиноких, имеющих власть, бездетных пар и геев (Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
9. Я, робот (I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
10. Роман безумной домохозяйки (Diatribe of a Mad Housewife)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
11. Волшебный экскурс в историю (Margical History Tour)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
12. Милхаус здесь больше не живет (Milhouse Doesn’t Live Here Anymore)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
13. Умная и еще умнее (Smart & Smarter)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
14. Неожиданный визит Арти Зифа (The Ziff Who Came to Dinner)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
15. День зависимости (Co-Dependent’s Day)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
16. Странствующий малолетний преступник (Wandering Juvie)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
17. Замуж за неудачника (My Big Fat Geek Wedding)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
18. Поймай их, если сможешь (Catch ‘Em If You Can)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
19. Человек-пирог (Simple Simpson)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
20. Какими мы не были (The Way We Weren’t)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
21. Барт оскверняет Америку (Bart-Mangled Banner)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
22. Разоблачающие новости (Fraudcast News)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!