1. Дом Ужасов XII (Treehouse of Horror XII)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
2. Родители в Ответе (The Parent Rap)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
3. Гомер Мо (Homer the Moe)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
4. Бернс Влюбился (Hunka Hunka Burns in Love)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
5. Годы Боли (The Blunder Years)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
6. Она Немного Верит (She of Little Faith)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
7. Скандал в Семье (Brawl in the Family)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
8. Кисло-сладкая Мардж (Sweets and Sour Marge)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
9. Челюсть Заклинило (Jaws Wired Shut)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
10. Почти Пристойное Предложение (Half-Decent Proposal)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
11. Барт Хочет то, что Хочет (The Bart Wants What It Wants)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
12. Последний Пистолет на Западе (The Lastest Gun in the West)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
13. Старик и Ключ (The Old Man and the Key)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
14. Рассказы от Общественного Домена (Tales from the Public Domain)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
15. Во Всем Виновата Лиза (Blame it on Lisa)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
16. Уикенд у Бернси (Weekend at Burnsie’s)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
17. Жаренный Гамп (Gump Roast)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
18. Я Яростный и Желтый (I Am Furious Yellow)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
19. Милейший Апу (The Sweetest Apu)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
20. Маленькая Девочка в Большой Десятке (Little Girl in the Big Ten)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
21. Жаренная Игра (The Frying Game)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
22. У Папы Новенький Значок (Poppa’s Got a Brand New Badge)