(47 голоса, среднее 4.66 из 5)
Парикмахерский квартет Гомера (Homer’s Barbershop Quartet)
Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Мыс Страха (Cape Feare: Not Affiliated with the Film «Cape Fear») Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Бутон розы (Rosebud) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Гомер поступает в колледж (Homer Goes to College) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Мардж в бегах (Marge on the Lam) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Дом Ужаса 4 (Treehouse of Horror IV) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Внутренний ребенок Барта (Bart’s Inner Child) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Бойскауты по соседству (Boy Scoutz N the Hood) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Последнее искушение Гомера (The Last Temptation of Homer) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Спрингфилд (Springfield (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Бдительный Гомер (Homer the Vigilante) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Гомер и Апу (Homer and Apu) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Барт становится знаменитым (Bart Gets Famous) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Лиза против Малибу Стейси (Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Гомер в глубоком космосе (Deep Space Homer) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Гомер любит Фландерса (Homer Loves Flanders) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Слон для Барта (Bart Gets an Elephant) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Наследник Бернса (Burns’ Heir) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Горькая песнь добряка Сеймура Скиннера (Sweet Seymour Skinner’s Baadasssss Song) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Парень, который слишком много знал (The Boy Who Knew Too Much) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Любовник леди Бувье (Lady Bouvier’s Lover) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!
Секреты успешного брака (Secrets of a Successful Marriage) Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115!